Packing for Unknown Destinations
Sounds ridiculous right? How could you be going somewhere when you don’t know where it is? Well its true, and I have to leave now, and figure out the where later.
This isn’t a bad break up, nor an exciting secret destination thing, its just timing and indecisiveness. I have an event in London tomorrow (currently in Dublin) and no place to be until a month later. London isn’t the top of my list of hangouts so I’ll be ready to leave after a few days. Why not stay where I am? Well I have been visiting and staying with friends and family for a few weeks already and need some time for myself, so figured I would just rent an apartment for a few weeks…. The only question is where?
Unfortunately I don’t have time to answer that questions because I leave in a few hours and need to pack! I am only taking a carry-on suitcase and need enough to cover a month of possibilities…. looking good in London, bringing works stuff and possibly relaxing and running while I am wherever I am. While in London, I am hoping that I will meet some interesting people and get some new ideas or find some amazing flight deals to a fun place, but in the meantime, this is how I am going to tackle my suitcase issue….
50% clothes
Probably too much but I need to cover work, play, night, day, rain, beach and running (running gear is way more cumbersome than I ever would have thought) the key here is to make sure all tops go with all bottoms and everything is layerable to get the maximum flexibility for each piece. I always have one black top and one black bottom, not only because it goes with everything but I am a sloppy mess and it hides all stains well enough until I can do laundry again!
20% shoes
Yeah I know, its a terrible addiction, but my running shoes are large and I am so attached now that I can’t leave them behind…. And then there’s sandals, walking and evening footwear 🙂
5% Toiletries
This is probably where I save the most room, I only bring things that I will use everyday and buy everything else when I get there. I am easy going enough to use any shampoo and lucky if I bring a hairbrush. I also get through customs quicker by having less liquids.
25% Other stuff
This includes laptop, camera, chargers, adapters, notebooks, sketchbooks, passports, eyemasks ( I travel with 3 just in case), earplugs, reading book (I am still old school when it comes to reading) contacts and planners, pencil case and watercolour… don’t tell anyone about that last one, it’s totally unnecessary but it’s so slim and makes me happy that I allow it.
So those are the contents that I have decided on, that I will need wherever I am, in any climate and circumstance. But its not only the contents that decide how much I can bring. In order not to check any luggage, I have a carry-on (less than 10kg) suitcase, which is usually around 12kg, AND a large purse which I put my valuables. This way I can pack the carry-on to the max and not open it until I get to my destination, where it undoubtedly explodes upon arrival, and my purse has anything that I might need throughout the trip, to pass time, make it more comfortable and avoid risking having to repack my suitcase.
So now that I am packed…. Where am I going!??!?

Is that grandpa’s living room that you have dumped all your junk on?
lol yep! and most of it is still there 😛