
  • Am I a Hobo?

    Living in San Francisco has made me more familiar with poverty and homelessness, not only because it is evident throughout the city but also by trying to live minimally in an expensive city.…

  • Varanasi

    The Indian city of death. It sits along one side of the Ganges River, which serves as the stage for people’s lives – playing, working, washing and dying. People from all over India…

  • Working in Slums

    Ok, so maybe its time I explain what I am doing here…. I came to SPARC expecting to be part of a slum upgrading project working with the community, but when I found…

  • A Culture of Contrasts

    I usually find irony in my daily routine by retreating in my three bedroom apartment after visiting slums all day; however no day has seen the extreme contrasts as yesterday. We took a…

  • Why Bother Slum Upgrading?

    Clearly slums offer some of the worst living conditions on earth. They are usually illegal settlements that appear on somebody else’s property, of whom wants to use and profit from it, while the…

  • An Architect’s Instinct

    During the masters course, we constantly learn about issues concerning foreign aid workers in third world countries imposing “western” ideals on different cultures and how architects have this inherent desire to formalize the…

  • The Income Gap

    This is the reason I started writing my blog again, I just had to share my recent understanding of this term. You would think that I would have had a thorough grasp of…