Tara The Star
On my way out of the Amber Fort in Jaipur, I stopped in the souvenir shop where I stumbled upon a deck of tarot cards. I have recently been interested in these for the pretty pictures and the many interpretations they can represent, so I chose a deck based on Indian gods and pulled a card without looking through the images first as I normally would. I pulled the goddess Tara, “the Star” in Hindi, and after reading the description (see below) I realized how fitting this interpretation of my name has been here in India – and had to buy the deck after the guy gave me a good deal!
Not in the astrological sense as the Hindi translation of Tara implies, but meaning a super star, the centre of India’s attention, is how I have felt after living here for a few months. Since arriving people have been stopping me and my friends left and right, asking where we come from and if they can have a picture, which I was expecting after traveling elsewhere. But I have also been on TV, interviewed for the news, had my photo in the newspaper and taken the stage at multiple festivals! I am not usually one to seek attention, as I am uncomfortable speaking in public and as you could see my acting skills are very weak, however in India where I can be a little more anonymous, I have been just going with the flow and try to enjoy my fifteen minutes of fame.
Here is the description of the card, seriously I didn’t make it up!
“The Star is the best card in the deck, in my opinion. It marks a point where fortune smiles upon us, lighting up our dreams, hopes and wishes with the promise of fulfillment and manifestation. There are few cards more positive than the Star, because when it appears in your life, it is nothing less than a beacon of hope and inspiration.
In times of darkness, it shows that there is a way out, and tells you not to worry, for illumination and freedom are at hand. All you need is something in which to place your faith. So trust in yourself and in whatever powers you believe control the universe, to help you through difficult times. Let the infinite energy of the Star warm you and rejuvenate your soul to provide the strength and clarity of purpose you need to continue on your journey.”
Tara – The Saga
Tara is a sanskrit word meaning ‘star’. We hear echos of her name in the Latin ‘Terra’ (Mother Earth). The Goddess of universal compassion, Tara represents virtuous and enlightened action. It is said that her compassion for living beings is stronger than a mother’s love for her children. She also brings about longevity, protects earthly travels and guards her followers on their spiritual journey to enlightenment.