
  • Best Thing About India: THE FOOD

    Photos are thanks to my friend Allison, since I can’t seem to take a photo of my food before eating it! More specifically the endless range of food available to me as a…

  • Bollywood Stars!

    We went out last night for our friend’s birthday. He has had enough Indian food for a while and we decided to go to the tourist area where there are a couple restaurant…

  • The Income Gap

    This is the reason I started writing my blog again, I just had to share my recent understanding of this term. You would think that I would have had a thorough grasp of…

  • Street Smells

    Every city has its various scents, when I think of Toronto streets I remember whiffs of the underground subway or of subway restaurants as I walk down the street. In Barcelona I get…

  • Arriving in India

    I had no idea what to expect from India, my research of the country before arriving included watching Slumdog Millionaire and reading Shantaram (which I suggest you read if you haven’t). The only…

  • Asia Round 2

    Since my last blog entry almost two years ago, I have continued to travel through Europe and Canada, (and found myself in funny enough situations) but I think it may be time to…

  • Thailand

        After getting my fill of big city Bangkok, I took a bus down the Thai peninsula and then a boat to Koh Samui. This is the largest of the three islands…

  • I heart HK

    It’s true, I should have gotten the shirt! Maybe it’s because I am coming from the rest of china, but it feels nothing like the other china I visited – not that I…