All Stories

  • Interview with Hostels Club

    While traveling around, I meet a lot of interesting people, and in London this year, I met a girl from Hostels Club. She asked to interview me about how I got started blogging…

  • Packing for Unknown Destinations

    Sounds ridiculous right? How could you be going somewhere when you don’t know where it is? Well its true, and I have to leave now, and figure out the where later.   This…

  • Avoiding Komodo Dragons

    Hello from Gili Air, Indonesia! This little island really is paradise, it is so small that any direction I walk I will be at the crystal clear ocean in less than 10 minutes.…

  • Cambodian Electricity Bills

    I have been living in Phnom Penh a few years now and started to manage an apartment on Airbnb for my friend. I just took pictures and got it all set up on…

  • The Hangover

    So you know The Hangover movie where these crazy guys have some potent drink, have a wild night, lose a person and the next day have to figure out what happened? Well I…

  • driving in Cambodia

    Asian Driving Games

    Now that I have been driving in Cambodia for a while, and actually have a commute to work (15 minutes), I know how the system works, even though it may seem that there…

  • Natural Building in Cambodia

    Cambodia has a lot of hippy foreigners building things in the middle of nowhere, and I have been hoping to join them (at least temporarily) along my nomadic adventures. Since arriving in Cambodia…

  • Level 10 Traveler no more

    As I went to meet my friend in Bangkok, it must have been my hundrenth trip or so and not even my first time in Bangkok. It was my friend’s first big international…