
  • The Hangover

    So you know The Hangover movie where these crazy guys have some potent drink, have a wild night, lose a person and the next day have to figure out what happened? Well I…

  • driving in Cambodia

    Asian Driving Games

    Now that I have been driving in Cambodia for a while, and actually have a commute to work (15 minutes), I know how the system works, even though it may seem that there…

  • Natural Building in Cambodia

    Cambodia has a lot of hippy foreigners building things in the middle of nowhere, and I have been hoping to join them (at least temporarily) along my nomadic adventures. Since arriving in Cambodia…

  • Driving in Cambodia

    Driving Like A Local

    Most places I visit, I don’t often drive. My modes of transportation always varies but usually I am a passenger on a train or bus if I am not walking or cycling in…

  • Corruption at its Finest

    Living in Phnom Penh, I have rented a scooter to get around (it’s so much fun!), but everyone else that has a scooter has warned me about the police. Even the lady at…

  • The Cambodian Circus

    I must admit, I have avoided most tourist attractions that are unrelated to architecture in Cambodia. I couldn’t do the holocaust camps in Germany, and am similarly passing on the cruel and depressing…

  • Tarantulas aren’t for me

    I traveled to the rural provinces of Cambodia last week with 6 nationals and 1 other international. Our trip was for work but the local people wanted top make sure that we understood…