
  • Swiss Miss vs. Slum Mapper

    I have been living in Switzerland for a few months now and its wonderful. Specifically where I am in Wengen, is surrounded by breathtaking scenery but it is also in general very easy…

  • Back to Reality

    Upon returning to the western world after three months living in India, all of a sudden everything is put into perspective again and I can finally see the differences as if in a…

  • So-Long Crazy!

    My three months in India have flown by, and as it comes to an end I can’t help but notice the many subtleties of Indian customs that I have picked up – or…

  • Varanasi

    The Indian city of death. It sits along one side of the Ganges River, which serves as the stage for people’s lives – playing, working, washing and dying. People from all over India…

  • Tara The Star

    On my way out of the Amber Fort in Jaipur, I stopped in the souvenir shop where I stumbled upon a deck of tarot cards. I have recently been interested in these for…

  • Monsoon Season In Mumbai

    We knew it was coming… and even though people warned us we were excited to experience the monsoon and the transformation of the city that it brings. After being in the country for…

  • Working in Slums

    Ok, so maybe its time I explain what I am doing here…. I came to SPARC expecting to be part of a slum upgrading project working with the community, but when I found…

  • GOA

    Finally, I made it here! Everybody that had been to India before told me I have to visit Goa before leaving, although many stressed to go before the monsoon. Even with a few…

  • A Sense of Scale

    Mumbai is among the largest cities in the world and after living here a while there are certain qualities that I think are only found in metropolises this big. Having lived in a…