
  • Delhi and the Taj Mahal

    The capital. What can I say? It is a huge city with lots to see and do, and is the most modern place I have visited yet in India. It had wide streets,…

  • Neighborhood Celebrities

    Awkwardly accepting flowers on stage for a God’s birthday Our neighborhood seems to be a very close knit group of 3×3 streets, of which we have not seen any other non-Indians. There are…

  • A Culture of Contrasts

    I usually find irony in my daily routine by retreating in my three bedroom apartment after visiting slums all day; however no day has seen the extreme contrasts as yesterday. We took a…

  • Turbo Architecture Tour Day

    I decided that with only one month left and having my upcoming weekends booked, that there was no better time than now to visit the modern architecture of the historical town of Ahmedabad,…

  • Why Bother Slum Upgrading?

    Clearly slums offer some of the worst living conditions on earth. They are usually illegal settlements that appear on somebody else’s property, of whom wants to use and profit from it, while the…

  • Indian Transportation

    Our second trip out of Mumbai might as well been an experience in Indian transport, since we took every possible means to get around. We started with the overnight train, which was probably…

  • Rajasthan

    This is the real India, where many traditions are still in place, if only for tourism purposes. We chose to visit Mount Abu because of the summer festival happening in this oasis of…

  • Kickin it in Kerala

    Our first trip out of Mumbai was to the South, and it was so relaxing and such a contrast to what we knew of India from living in one of its mega cities.…

  • Hindi Lessons

    I CAN READ!           AND WRITE!             IN HINDI!!!               Now I just have to figure out what…