My Life

  • driving in Cambodia

    Asian Driving Games

    Now that I have been driving in Cambodia for a while, and actually have a commute to work (15 minutes), I know how the system works, even though it may seem that there…

  • Level 10 Traveler no more

    As I went to meet my friend in Bangkok, it must have been my hundrenth trip or so and not even my first time in Bangkok. It was my friend’s first big international…

  • An oldie but a goodie

    Lately I have been reminded a lot of Barcelona. It is definitely one of my favourite places to live and I can’t wait to go back to visit. But recently I have been…

  • Building Black Rock City

    For a couple weeks this August I tied some knots that helped build the host city of Burning Man 2014. Deciding to join two days before arriving, everything was very last minute and…

  • Am I a Hobo?

    Living in San Francisco has made me more familiar with poverty and homelessness, not only because it is evident throughout the city but also by trying to live minimally in an expensive city.…

  • What I look for in a city

    On my bike ride to work this morning I think I finally realized what I need in a city – and why San Francisco just isn’t cutting it for me. San Francisco has…

  • Varanasi

    The Indian city of death. It sits along one side of the Ganges River, which serves as the stage for people’s lives – playing, working, washing and dying. People from all over India…

  • Tara The Star

    On my way out of the Amber Fort in Jaipur, I stopped in the souvenir shop where I stumbled upon a deck of tarot cards. I have recently been interested in these for…

  • A Sense of Scale

    Mumbai is among the largest cities in the world and after living here a while there are certain qualities that I think are only found in metropolises this big. Having lived in a…

  • Neighborhood Celebrities

    Awkwardly accepting flowers on stage for a God’s birthday Our neighborhood seems to be a very close knit group of 3×3 streets, of which we have not seen any other non-Indians. There are…